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Airdrie Little League Fee Structure

2025 Airdrie Little League Fee Schedule

DIVISION Jan 2 - February 21 February 22 - February 28 March 1 - March 14 March 14 - March 31
Blast Ball $85.00 $115.00 $115.00 Wait List
T- Ball $155.00 $205.00 $205.00 Wait List
Rookie Ball JR/SR $200.00 $250.00 $250.00 Wait List
Minors $320.00 $370.00 Teams Formed
Majors $360.00 $410.00 Teams Formed
Intermediate $395.00 Wait List Teams Formed
Teenage JR/SR $420.00 Wait List Teams Formed

Fee Breakdown

At Airdrie Little League we want to be transparent around the costs associated with our 2025 Registration fees. The fees outlined above allow the league to run a complete program with a balanced budget. 

Registration Fees cover the cost of: Diamond and City of Airdrie Rentals, Team Equipment (Ball Buckets, Baseballs, Team Bats , Baseball Tees, Bases, First Aid Kits, Scorebooks, Coaching Binders), Field Equipment (Chalk, Line Paint),  Player Shirts, Player Hats, Umpire Fee, Jersey Refurbishment, Team Pictures, Evaluation Expenses, Indoor Practice Expenses , LL Charter Fees and Insurance , Toilet Rentals.